These signs are some of the funniest ones I have ever seen!! I don't really know why you would want these in your town, but better safe then sorry right??? Enjoy!!!
Today was pretty boring at school (isn't it always...sometimes :). Some highlights of this week was a 90 on a social test, 105 on a spelling test and an 85 on a reading packet. YAH!!! This weekend my mom, dad, and I are driving to Clevland, Ohio for a family party. TTYL :)
These high-speed photos are truly amazing. Everyone has seen the ones with the water splashing up but these are the BEST I have ever seen, (I am sure most of u can agree with me). All I can say about these photographers who took these photos is that they have a lot of patience. Enjoy
These animals are some of the coolest animals I have ever seen!! I don't think that for some of these get as close as the photographer did but oh-well. If you like what you see go to - you can find mostly all the topics on here!!! Enjoy... :)
Okay so when I saw this topic I thought it was wicked weird but cool. These people must own a lot of that mustache molding creamish stuff because for these pictures it looks like they really need it. I have no idea who these guys are or what's their deal but this is just plain weird. Hope you enjoy...
Now this is just amazing!!! An artist thats blind made these beautiful paintings!!! The artists name is Dmitri Didorenko and he is really amazing!!! It takes a lot to make me say that since i am not a fan of going to art museums. Enjoy
Of-course we have all seen some pretty weird shoes once in a while!! We've seen the ones with the HUGE heel or the one with the pointiest toe ever. But i can bet you you have never seen anything like this!! Here are some pictures of the most funny, awkward, and weirdest shoes ever. ENJOY...
Hi I am Madison Cook a.k.a. a 10 year old girl who has lived in Syracuse, New York her whole life! Usually I never get cold since in winter Syracuse usually gets below freezing or single digit weather. I love hanging out with friends and talking on the phone. Also I love listening to music on the radio, on my ipod, or on the computer. Another thing I love is to play lacrosse. My dad gave me my first lacrosse stick when I was one and I have played ever since. In school my favorite subjects are math, science, and gym. My dad is a math teacher during the day and an awesome lacrosse coach by night. My mom works for a insurance company called Cigna Heathcare. I am an only child with a fish named Garfunkel! I know its weird but I am a weird person, ask any of my friends!