Every one knows the basic parts to a body and maybe you know some facts. Well that's my topic today not the basics but the really weird facts!! Here are some facts that I am sure you don't know!! Maybe you know one or two but oh-well. Here we go... (maybe some of these don't apply to you like if you are bald or something)
* You lose everyday around 50 to 100 hairs from your head, which are replaced the same day.
* An average human has 100000 hairs on the head
* The air from a sneeze can reach the speed of 100 mph; from a cough - 60 mph
* An average person drinks around 16000 gallons of water in his lifetime.
* A nail takes around 6 months to grow from base to the most tip.
* Around 45 miles of nerves run through our body. The electric impulses travel at a speed of almost 250 mph!
* Babies have 94 bones more than an adult, in total 300.
* An average human blinks 25 times a minute, that’s over 6.205.000 times a year!
* By the age of 70 your heart have beat 2,5 billion times and pumped around 48.000.000 gallons of blood.
* In a tiny drop of water there are 5 million red blood cells, 10.000 white cells and 300.000 platelets
* A square of human skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands and 3 million cells.
* The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Potassium to fire :a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make :2,200 matchheads, and enough Water to fill a ten-gallon tank.
* The microorganisms in and on your body make up 10% of your bodyweight (dried, without water).
* You produce a quart of saliva daily, 10.000 gallons in a lifetime
* A square of human skin has 32 million bacterias on it!
* Each second 10.000.000 of cells die and are replaced in your body.
* You create a new skin every month and a new skeleton every 3 months!
* Ears and nose don’t stop keep growing during the whole life!
* The liver is the body’s chemical factory. It has over 500 functions!
* You lose 600.000 particles of skin every hour that make up 1.5 pounds a year!
* You spend one third of your lifetime sleeping. 20 Years in an average lifetime!
I bet you that you did not know half of these!! Did you?? If you like these the web site is - http://wiresmash.com
The human body is only one of the many on this website!!!