Monday, April 6, 2009

PLUTO - planet or no??

Since my parents said i have to update my blog everyday now and because nothing happened in school today i thought i would pick a random topic and start blogging the random topic for today is... PLUTO - planet or no??  For me i think pluto IS a planet.  The reason is it's has always been there (and it will always be there) it has always been called a planet and to me will always be a planet.  For some people they might not think pluto is a planet this is probably it IT IS TO SMALL.  Well i got a message for you BIG THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES!!!  Thank you!! Please leave a comment and say if you think pluto is a planet or not!!
TTYL or for grandma cook TTFN   :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a planet, but Grandpa the engineer says he'll go with the scientists who says its not, so let's not ask Grandpa.
