Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today was pretty boring at school (isn't it always...sometimes :). Some highlights of this week was a 90 on a social test, 105 on a spelling test and an 85 on a reading packet. YAH!!! This weekend my mom, dad, and I are driving to Clevland, Ohio for a family party. TTYL :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

High speed photography

These high-speed photos are truly amazing. Everyone has seen the ones with the water splashing up but these are the BEST I have ever seen, (I am sure most of u can agree with me). All I can say about these photographers who took these photos is that they have a lot of patience. Enjoy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weird pictures of animals

These animals are some of the coolest animals I have ever seen!! I don't think that for some of these get as close as the photographer did but oh-well. If you like what you see go to - you can find mostly all the topics on here!!! Enjoy... :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

weird mustaches

Okay so when I saw this topic I thought it was wicked weird but cool. These people must own a lot of that mustache molding creamish stuff because for these pictures it looks like they really need it. I have no idea who these guys are or what's their deal but this is just plain weird. Hope you enjoy...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dimitri Didorenko

Now this is just amazing!!! An artist thats blind made these beautiful paintings!!! The artists name is Dmitri Didorenko and he is really amazing!!! It takes a lot to make me say that since i am not a fan of going to art museums. Enjoy

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Of-course we have all seen some pretty weird shoes once in a while!! We've seen the ones with the HUGE heel or the one with the pointiest toe ever. But i can bet you you have never seen anything like this!! Here are some pictures of the most funny, awkward, and weirdest shoes ever. ENJOY...

But my favorite is.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beijing LEGO olympics

These pictures were taking from the LEGO olympics in Beijing!!! They are amazing the best I ever saw. I didn't even know there was that many legos. Can't believe it didn't fall over while they were building it. This is very cool!!! ENJOY...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter Eggs

Since i was on vacation during Easter here is my Easter post!! I don't know where these are from but oh-well. These eggs i thought were some of the coolest i have EVER seen i am sure you can agree. I could never do this with my dye. I have to start practicing if i want my eggs to resemble these ones!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Having great time in Victoria!! Today we are going to the B.C. museum. Very excited for fossils and rocks. Then we are going to have tea at our hotel which is apparently AMAZING!! Last but not least we MIGHT rent bikes and ride around, but we are not sire yet. Tomorrow we MIGHT go on a zip line, fingers crossed. Tomorrow at 6:00pm Victoria time (3 hours be-hind NY) we are taking a clipper to Seattle and then we have a plane to catch at 11:30 Seattle time (again 3 hours be-hind NY). We will first land in Chicago (2 hours be-hind NY) and then we will fly home. See everyone later!!

Bye-Bye or TTYL or if g'ma cook checked this TTFN!! :-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 2

Day 2 has been awesome!!! We walked around and had some AMAZING food!!! YUMMY. Tomorrow we are taking a 30minute clipper to a little town off of Seattle.

TTYL!!! :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Everyone knows that oranges can be used for juice and for eating and me, i would know that they can be used for batteries. But now i have a question, did you ever think that oranges could be used for sculptures??? If you don't think that they
could ...i prove you wrong. Here are some pictures of a New Orleans parade that all of he sculptures were made out of oranges!!

Here are the pictures...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Up-Side Down House in Germany

Have you ever seen an upside-down house??? Well if you have you have!!! Crazy people built a house entirely upside-down!!! The house is family-sized and was designed by Polish partners Klausdiusz Golos and Sebastian Mikicuk for the Edutainment exhibition company!! The house is furnished with chairs, tables, and carpets stuck to the ceiling!!

Here are some pictures...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the human body

Every one knows the basic parts to a body and maybe you know some facts.  Well that's my topic today not the basics but the really weird facts!!  Here are some facts that I am sure you don't know!!  Maybe you know one or two but oh-well.  Here we go...  (maybe some of these don't apply to you like if you are bald or something)

* You lose everyday around 50 to 100 hairs from your head, which are replaced the same day.

* An average human has 100000 hairs on the head

* The air from a sneeze can reach the speed of 100 mph; from a cough - 60 mph

* An average person drinks around 16000 gallons of water in his lifetime.

* A nail takes around 6 months to grow from base to the most tip.

* Around 45 miles of nerves run through our body. The electric impulses travel at a speed of almost 250 mph!

* Babies have 94 bones more than an adult, in total 300.

* An average human blinks 25 times a minute, that’s over 6.205.000 times a year!

* By the age of 70 your heart have beat 2,5 billion times and pumped around 48.000.000 gallons of blood.

* In a tiny drop of water there are 5 million red blood cells, 10.000 white cells and 300.000 platelets

* A square of human skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands and 3 million cells.

* The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Potassium to fire :a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make :2,200 matchheads, and enough Water to fill a ten-gallon tank.

* The microorganisms in and on your body make up 10% of your bodyweight (dried, without water).

* You produce a quart of saliva daily, 10.000 gallons in a lifetime

* A square of human skin has 32 million bacterias on it!

* Each second 10.000.000 of cells die and are replaced in your body.

* You create a new skin every month and a new skeleton every 3 months!

* Ears and nose don’t stop keep growing during the whole life!

* The liver is the body’s chemical factory. It has over 500 functions!

* You lose 600.000 particles of skin every hour that make up 1.5 pounds a year!

* You spend one third of your lifetime sleeping. 20 Years in an average lifetime!

I bet you that you did not know half of these!! Did you?? If you like these the web site is -
The human body is only one of the many on this website!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

PLUTO - planet or no??

Since my parents said i have to update my blog everyday now and because nothing happened in school today i thought i would pick a random topic and start blogging the random topic for today is... PLUTO - planet or no??  For me i think pluto IS a planet.  The reason is it's has always been there (and it will always be there) it has always been called a planet and to me will always be a planet.  For some people they might not think pluto is a planet this is probably it IT IS TO SMALL.  Well i got a message for you BIG THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES!!!  Thank you!! Please leave a comment and say if you think pluto is a planet or not!!
TTYL or for grandma cook TTFN   :-)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

every 5th grader at st.charles (that's my school and my grade) had to deliver a speech from a famous person.  my person i picked was sojourner truth with her famous speech "ain't i a women" that was delivered in 1851 at the women's convention in akron,  ohio.  it's kinda scary that i remember all of the other famous speakers that were being done.  since i remember here are the people in order of the year there speech was given-     patrick henry
abagail adams
theodore rosevelt
sojourner truth - (the best, hahaha)
abraham lincoln      
        susan b. anthony x2
   helen keller
    winston churchill
franklin del roosavelt (FDR)
  rachel carson
        shirly chisholm
robert kennedy
mother teresa
condalesa rights

the whole time i was giving my speech i felt like i was going to puke!!!  not a good feeling.  haha!!  oh-well if you ever have to resite a speech, "ain't i a women" is a GREAT speech and it's easy to memorize which is what my class had to do.